Wide varieties and skillful manufacture Remote Printer Stand
Category:Computer Peripheral / Printer
Method:Precision Sheet Metal Fabrication / Low Cost Tool
Description:11” X 6”
Material:CRS ANN 060 (16 ga )
Equipment Used:Flat Bed Laser, Press Brake, Some Custom Tooling.
Note:Combined Laser, Sheet Metal Fabrication with Stamping to produce part most economically
In production runs of 3000-5000 per year. (short runs)
The Laser Printer Stand is designed for two laser printers, copiers, scanners or fax machines.
Remote Printer Stand is a LaserJet printer stand lets you place your printer for optimum access.
General Fuction:
(1)Lower wrap-lock stability panel provides additional storage for supplies.
(2)Bottom shelf extends (approx. 2") for easy access to printer.
(3)Four 2" casters (2 locking)
(4)Assembly required