Wide varieties and skillful manufacture Remote Printer Stand
Wide varieties and skillful manufacture Remote Printer Stand
Wide varieties and skillful manufacture Remote Printer Stand
Wide varieties and skillful manufacture Remote Printer Stand
Wide varieties and skillful manufacture Remote Printer Stand
Wide varieties and skillful manufacture Remote Printer Stand




Category:Computer Peripheral / Printer

Method:Precision Sheet Metal Fabrication / Low Cost Tool

Description:11” X 6”

Material:CRS ANN 060 (16 ga )

Equipment Used:Flat Bed Laser, Press Brake, Some Custom Tooling.

Note:Combined Laser, Sheet Metal Fabrication with Stamping to produce part most economically

In production runs of 3000-5000 per year. (short runs)


The Laser Printer Stand is designed for two laser printers, copiers, scanners or fax machines.


Remote Printer Stand is a LaserJet printer stand lets you place your printer for optimum access.

General Fuction:

(1)Lower wrap-lock stability panel provides additional storage for supplies.

(2)Bottom shelf extends (approx. 2") for easy access to printer.

(3)Four 2" casters (2 locking)  

(4)Assembly required